EMLex: Current problems of lexicography
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"Current problems of lexicography" is a virtual class of the third semester of the European Master in Lexicography (EMLex)
Rosa Lombardi, Roma Tre University
Martina Nied Curcio, Universität Rom III
3. Valentina Piunno: The lexicographic representation of Multiword Lexemes in Combinatory Dictionaries of Romance Languages
Valentina Piunno, Roma Tre University
4. Pascale Renders and Cyril Briquet: Retroconverting the Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch (FEW)
Pascale Renders and Cyril Briquet, ATILF (CNRS/University of Lorraine) and University of Liège
This lecture addresses the retroconversion of the FEW (Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch), which is currently carried out by a team led by Pascale Renders (see here).